ISSUE 03 | MARCH 2020
BC: Racing is an expensive and risky
sport, one mistake and you are done for
life, have you ever gone down, any
NY: By God's grace, so far, I have not
gone down or crashed on track or off
track in practice sessions. I believe it's an
expensive and risky sport. But if I look
back at the time of my cab accident that
morning not knowing what is coming in
my way or stock in that corner! I think life
works in a different way in which we all
go through.
Racing for me despite being a risky
sport; it has taught me to live fullest and
live each moment happily. When I am on
the track riding and gliding through those
corners, it gives me a sense of freedom
and the adrenaline rush. It pushes me to
explore and believe in myself and boosts
my confidence every time. I think racing
helps you to master any challenges that
life throws at you, and you come out of
strong and fearless. I guess that's what
racing does for me.
BC: How was your family's reaction when
you choose racing along with dentistry?
Do they support?
NY: My family's reaction was very, very
supportive. Honestly, when I was going
to the track and told my parents that I
would be racing. Initially, they said
'wonderful!' but when the first time they
came to see my race in 2015, they
realized the intensity of the racing that I
was up to. That was the first time when
my mother watched me racing and was
utterly melted. I think she never realized
that she would be watching me racing
with the men and racing at the speed that
a racer touch.
Her first question to me was that "this is
what you do?" When I went to her after
the race, she was crying to her gut out
and said I don't think this is something
you should be doing. Though she said
that day, she is always there at all my
races to support me even though she is
scared for me, and always remain
anxious and sometimes cries too when
she sees me touching the speed.
Still, till now, she hasn't said that "I don't
want you to do this" because she sees
the kind of happiness that I get by being
on the bike and racing on the track. She
knows that if she takes away racing from
me as a mother, then she would be
taking away the deep part of my life and
my passion from me. So my mom is
incredibly supportive.
My father being a rally racer and a fighter
pilot himself, and always been an
adventurous and fearless man himself;
he is too very supportive.
I have been grown up seeing my father
like that, and today I give all the credit to
my father for having racing genes in me.
Till today my father too has never said
that he doesn't want me to do bike
Somewhere I think my father feels proud
by seeing me doing all this. And he is
very proud of the fact that her daughter
is setting milestones and going past the
norms of the society.