After facing all this shit, her mind is so fucked up that even if she decide to marry again, a constant fear of breaking up again will be there in her mind throughout. She will have a trust issues constantly. All thanks to society. SINGLE MOM is not an opportunity Like I said, those who thinks Single Mom is easily available, I petty on their mindsets, but yes there are people out there in our society who thinks this way. We worship Goddess, we built the temples of hers, we pray and we wish for better life but thats just for temples but we fail to understand that, the goddess whom we worship is also a woman and the history says they were also married to God. So the question is if we can worship goddess then why can't we support and respect woman and a single mom. Was it her mistake only? Was her husband not involved? But nobody will question him coz we are living in a fucking MALE DOMINATED SOCIETY. And those who thinks as an opportunity, are insane. And they should remember the law of universe "WHAT GOES AROUND, COMES AROUND". In fact actually society should question her husband for his failed marriage and ask him that "Why could you not save your marriage"? Doesn't matter who's fault was there in relationship, but you should have not ended the marriage after baby.. You could do so if the baby was not conceived. After baby is born, how could you leave or abandon your family? How could you not think about child's future and the emotional trauma she/he will face? How could you so selfish? Instead of asking these questions to single mom, people should ask these questions to coward husband who left his family keeping his child's future on stake. Divorced Men can make sexual relations but what about SINGLE MOM's sexual urges? It's easy for divorced men to have sex or indulge in sexual relationships with others and society will not have any problem with it. But have anyone ever thought about the sexual urges of a SINGLE MOM? So what she is divorced, is she not human? why can't she have sex with whomsoever she like. People are so hypocrite, that if divorced man can have sex with different partners without even getting re-marriage, its allowed. But the same thing if a SINGLE MOM does it then she will be tagged as "Whore". Sex is like a food, like we need food to survive, is the same way we need sex for happiness and keep our hormones balanced. Its up to SINGLE MOM that whether she wants to marry again or not, and nobody on earth can force her for that. Some retarded people will say if you want to spice up your sex life again then think for 2nd marriage. I think 2nd marriage is nice thing but its up to individuals to take that decision or not. But to have sex and fulfil her desires it's not necessary to marry again. You don't open a restaurant for food, likewise its not necessary to get marry for sex. And any SINGLE MOM or any woman who keeps partner just for fulfilment of her desires then we should not judge her. Why should she kill her desires fearing so called society. There are lots of health implications in later age if woman did not have any sex life when she was young. I think its fair okay to have sexual relationships without marriage but it should be consensus one.