There are other examples One when there was a small group of 5 riders exploring the winding roads, passes and temples of Uttarakhand. During that epic ride, Prakash a new flag holder of his club was nominated as the lead of the ride. Initially, probably because there was no one else who could shoulder the responsibility; however, he proved the decision right further on during the ride. Towards the fag end of the ride he had a fall and broke his wrist; however, ensured he lead the team for the final 100 kms to the end point of the day before calling it quits and heading back to Pune. The irony is that no one else to stepped-up and took the lead for the final 2 days and they all returned too. Why did Prakash have to lead those 100 kms in the mountains? Why did no one else step-up to continue the ride as a group? My answer to the above questions is: Care: It is defined as the feeling of concern or interest you have for someone based on the importance you add to them. How much do you care for the people in your team or group? Are you worried about what will happen to them if there is nobody to lead them? Do you feel it's your responsibility.