The 3rd incident was more recent in December 2017 Surinder a pillar of his club, was meant to lead his club to a nearby town for an event. At the start of the day while riding to the start point a dog on the road cause him to fall. While he dusted himself off and reached the start point on time, no one knew that he had a bigger injury. He rode hard, leading the pack to the destination some 120 kms in the pre-dawn winter cold. On reaching and once the event was completed he quietly asked if someone had a crepe bandage. On closer inspection we found that a swollen wrist. He had the option to hand over his bike to someone else and ride back in a car that had accompanied them, yet he never shirked his responsibility of leading the group home. On reaching back at 9pm, he found that he had fractured his wrist in the fall at 5am. He had ridden all day without a fuss, he had led the group from location to location ensuring they all got there and back safely. All the while riding through immense pain and agony caused by the fracture and even the very low temperatures at that time of the day. Why would someone not take the easy way out and handover responsibility to someone else, would anyone have blamed him? How does someone ride through pain and discomfort for no real measurable gains?