Why would he have ridden Chain with, got stuck and His alarm rang at 5am and
through the pain, when sucked his finger in with it. he got up and went for the
nobody would have blamed To cut a long story short, he ride next morning, not telling
him for rushing to the lost the top 2 cms of the too many people about what
hospital instead of finishing middle finger of his right had happened to him. He
the ride first. hand. He was rushed to the lead the ride for about 6
hospital, rapidly losing hours and got back home.
blood, where he was He was laid up for the next
suggested a grafting surgery month after the surgery.
Another happened a few
months later in April
on Monday, for now his
A rider was meant to lead a finger was cleaned and After losing a part of your
ride of some 25 riders bandaged tightly to stop the finger, would there be pain?
through an unchartered off- heavy bleeding. On reaching Why would someone still go
road route on Sunday. The home he thought of the 25 and lead a group of people
previous evening he was riders who would be waiting whom you owe nothing to?
cleaning his bike and made a for him the next morning, he Would anyone have blamed
fatal mistake of cleaning the went to sleep with that him for not showing up next
chain with the engine on. thought in his mind. He morning?
While most of the time hadn't taken pain killer yet, nothing might happen, this is nor did he plan to after all he risky and on that day it lead wanted to be bright and alert to a freak accident where the the next morning.
cloth he was cleaning the