Here there is no materialistic motive for 18 doing anything, it's not that some business target will get missed, it's nit that it's matter of life and death or any such issue. You will not even be paid for all your efforts. Yet in social groups you will see leaders emerge and stand out from time to time. Lessons in Leadership from the Bikers Community. I have a few stories to share from which I would like to draw a few analogies on Leadership. What happened on 26th January 2016 was one incident. Sarang was the leader for that Epic ride where he was leading almost 300 riders across the city. He got injured at the onset when a car came hurtling through a crossroad and rammed straight into his left leg. He was thrown some distance and on being helped up, found that he had injured his foot pretty badly. It was bleeding profusely and swelling rapidly. He could have stopped right then and gone to the hospital; in fact that would have been the sensible thing to do. However, that is not what he did. He rode through agonising pain which was only visible in his eyes; while his demeanour was that of the energetic, passionate and crazy leader needed to guide 300 riders to their destination. He showed immense Courage and Commitment for all riders by riding & leading the group for the next 2 hours. He was committed to fulfilling the objective of the day and guiding everyone to the required destination, he excused himself and rushed to the hospital where he found that he had fractured his foot and would be in a cast for the next month.