I just started. People had Along with my riding. Both Dopamine, endorphin and
that apprehensions about me compliment each other very serotonin - are produced by
when I had joined the club well. You get to capture the endocrine system. Not
"will he be able to cope up nature all those all of these chemicals are
& match with our speed?" undiscovered places and released at the same time
Although they never let me nature beauty at it's best. and each has a different
feel down and did welcome
outcome. However, more of
me to the club; but I could It's patently obvious to riders these chemicals are
sense their feelings, But that riding a motorcycle produced when we look
very soon they realized that makes you happy, but did forward to doing something
age does not matter when it you realize it's all got to do we enjoy, we get up early,
comes to fulfil your dreams with chemicals in the brain? we go outside in the
& passion. Age is no bar to
sunshine and fresh air, we
become a rider.. I became a According to a Psychologist challenge ourselves, we
very known rider in the and reborn rider Sharon meditate, we concentrate on
community in no time. Ledger - "There are more an activity that requires skill
than 10,000 chemical and generally do things that
Not to brag yourself but it reactions going on in the motivate us, "That pretty
definitely gives you a brain every second" much sounds like
positive outlook. Also I was
motorbiking to me".
able to fulfil my other The chemicals that make you
passion "Photography" feel happy - oxytocin,