So when you get up early anticipating a good ride, already dopamine is starting to send happy
signals to the brain. Different combinations of the chemicals come into play as you ride, she
says. Add a bit of adrenalin and it's like a happy cocktail for the brain.
She also says that an increase in serotonin can reduce depression. You can increase your
serotonin levels with fresh air, mild exercise and even morning sunlight, all of which you get on
a ride. It won't cure depression, but will help people cope.
MOTORBIKING has topped a nationwide poll on happiness according to the survey of 1514
people from across the UK, conducted by leading survey organisation ICM on behalf of
Gardeners' World.
They tried to find out what hobbies make people happy. When asked the question: "How
satisfied are you with your life nowadays?", Motorbiking received the most amount of 'strong
positive' responses, ahead of Fishing with the second largest number of responses and
Running., Swimming, Driving and Camping which had the third largest number of responses.
When asked the question: "To what extent do you feel the things you do in your life are
worthwhile?" Motorbiking again received the most amount of 'strong positive' responses,
ranking higher than Camping and Fishing. Of all the hobbies listed, Cycling received the lowest
amount of 'strong positive' results in this question.