Big Ideas | Page 94

Standards Connections Next Generation Science Standards SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING PRACTICES SAMPLE STUDENT ENGAGEMENT, GRADES 9–12 Constructing Explanations Examine the structure and energy efficiency of the light bulb through its 150-year history, from incandescent to compact florescent to LED bulbs (for example, see “The History of the Light Bulb,” U.S. Department of Energy at history-light-bulb). Choose another product or service that uses energy, and—after analyzing its essential components—develop a design for a more energy efficient version of it. and Designing Solutions Obtaining, Evaluating, and Communicating Information 94 Create a brochure describing different methods (such as cisterns and graywater and blackwater systems) that families can use to collect, store, reuse, and recycle water locally. Discuss the constraints that families residing in multiunit or public housing buildings may have. Include information about how reducing water use means that less water needs to be treated. Include both text and graphics to convey the information. CROSSCUTTING CONCEPTS SAMPLE STUDENT ENGAGEMENT, GRADES 9–12 Cause and Effect Explore the relationship between saving water and saving energy, identifying specific actions individuals can take to save both. Calculate the amount of water and energy that could be saved by the entire city if everyone took one or more of these actions. Structure and Function Investigate the “whole house systems approach” to designing an energy-efficient home. (For an overview, visit energysaver/articles/whole-house-systems-approach.) Design a home for your geographic region that optimizes energy use. BIG IDEAS | Grades 9–12 | SAN FRANCISCO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION