Big Ideas | Page 68

Standards Connections Next Generation Science Standards SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING PRACTICES SAMPLE STUDENT ENGAGEMENT, GRADES 6–8 Asking Questions and Design and implement a method for collecting rainwater at home or at school. Consult design plans from schools that already have rainwater collection systems. Consider the importance of minimizing exposed, standing water where, for instance, mosquitoes can lay eggs. Include in the design provisions for transferring water to smaller containers, managing overflow, and ensuring that the water stays clean enough to water plants. Defining Problems Obtaining, Evaluating, and Communicating Information 68 Research and present information about the water requirements of food crops that are grown in California, such as rice, almonds, and various fruits and vegetables. Find out about new strategies that farmers are using to conserve water and use it efficiently. CROSSCUTTING CONCEPTS SAMPLE STUDENT ENGAGEMENT, GRADES 6–8 Cause and Effect Learn how to read a home water meter, or log in at to see your household’s water usage over time. To discover if you have any water leaks, record the water usage to date in either gallons or cubic feet, don’t use any water for two hours, and then check the meter again to see if it shows that more water has been used. If the number has increased, there is probably a leak, so check faucets and toilets to see if you can determine the source of the leak. Systems and System Models Create a diagram of how you think a home water system works, then look up diagrams online and recreate your diagram to be more accurate. BIG IDEAS | Grades 6–8 | SAN FRANCISCO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION