Artists of the Big Bend
Brenda Hudson; Fort Davis, 432-426-3353, [email protected]. Lived in the Big Bend (Fort Davis) for
10 years. Paints in acrylics and pastels, does landscapes
and abstracts. She sculpts in Davis Mountains clay she
digs and processes herself. 2-D watermedia and 3-D pottery. Watermedia from representative to abstract and 3-D
from local Davis Mountains cla y. Shows at BBAC Gallery
on the Square in Alpine.
Laurel Lynn Lewallen; 205 Tomahawk Trail, Fort Davis;
email: [email protected]. Pottery and sculpture of
native Texas reptiles and amphibians. At Kiowa in Alpine.
Margaret Hughes; [email protected]
Potter and Watercolorist – Pottery is decorative and functional wares. Watercolors are mostly realistic landscapes
with emphasis on atmosphere and color. Shows pottery
at Gallery on the Square.
Rachel Ann Manera; TONK \tóŋk\ things ordinary not
known, 113E. Holland Ave., Alpine, Texas, 432-249-2205,
[email protected],
WHAT: A contemporary artist who combines the three dimensional with two, incorporating assemblages,
film/video, performance and photography, into
ephemeral, site-specific installations. WHO: Part anthropologist, part archeologist, part architect, part archivist,
obsessed with the artifacts, data, history and landscape
of the Big Bend country.
Oliver Hughes; [email protected]
Potter – Variety of techniques and styles. Tends towards
decorative as opposed to common understanding of functional. Experience making a variety of outdoor light
sconces. Shows at Gallery on the Square.
James A. Mangum; Marathon; email: [email protected]; Award
winning writer & folk artist-paintings and scuptures, mixed
media, using recycled, scrap and found objects; at Front
Street Books, Marathon.
Greg Inderlied, 432-386-0088, P.O. Box 239, Marathon;
Traditional to Modern. Watercolor and oil paintings.
Mimi y Roberto; 704 E. Ave B, Alpine, 432-837-1099;
Handmade pottery by two local potters who have studied
in Japan, Italy, and Canada. Galleries: Kiowa, Front St.
Juliana Johnson; 432-837-9888, 405W. Gallego Ave., Alpine,
[email protected],
[email protected]. Vibrant local landscapes
and subjects of the Big Bend Country, oil on canvas. ’05 Sul
Ross Alumni, member of the Big Bend Arts Council, work on display at Gallery on the Square and King Jewelers; Alpine, TX.
Archival prints available on request, commissions welcome!
Jan Moeller; a representational watercolorist fascinated
with the play of color in shadow and light. This expression
of color is reflected in her work. Shows at CatchLight Art
David Kachel; Alpine; 432-386-5787; Collectible abstract and landscape
fine B&W photographs. Red Door Gallery, 702 W. Holland
Ave. Open 9-5 Mon-Fri, or whenever you’re in town!
Glenn Moreland; 206 Madrone, Fort Davis, TX, [email protected] Artist, wood carver, specializing in the
humor of everyday cowboy life. Work shown in the Gallery
at Fort Davis; Cattlelacs, Manchaca, TX and The Trappings
Show, Sul Ross Univ.
Alan King: 432-837-7205; 607 East Avenue E., Alpine, TX;
Alan has been in the business since 1979 and is selling
fine jewelry in the heart of the Big Bend.
Patty Moreland; 113 N. State St., Fort Davis, TX, 512-6275943, [email protected]. Studio in The Gallery above
Fort Davis Drug Store. Traditional paintings, acrylic, watercolor, oil, from still life to landscapes. Graduate of SWT
Univ. Fine Arts, 1971.
E. Dan Klepper; 432-386-4107, Klepper Gallery,
Marathon. Klepper is an artist, author and native Texan
who exhibits fine art and writes about nature and outdoor
adventure sports.
Mark Kneeskern; dRY BeHiNd tHe EARs Productions; P.O.
Box 185, Terlingua, 432-371-3196; email:
[email protected]. Photography, Video, Murals, illustration, Graphics, Music...Creative dreams are realized
at dRY BeHiNd tHe EARs.
Sydney Lance; Alpine, 432-940-3595,
[email protected]. Photography; with deep roots
in Texas, specializing in portraiture, wild life, landscapes,
and the abstract. Currently based in the Big Bend area
and has a keenly studied eye for the beauty hidden in the
barren surroundings.
Maria LeJeune; [email protected]. Jewelry; Wire
crotchet with pearls, semi-precious minerals and beads.
Shows at Gallery on the Square and Leapin Lizards.
Willis LeJeune; [email protected]. Woodworker
who goes with the natural flow of nature and magnifies
the inner beauty of wood. Shows at Catchlight Gallery.
Karen Nakakihara; Functional & sculptural ceramic
pieces. Her work features imagery of natural objects
ranging from realistic to delightfully whimsical. Shows at
Gallery on the Square.
Johanna Nelson; 432-940-9506, [email protected],
Johanna studied Industrial Technology and Art at SRSU;
she is currently working on her MBA, with a focus on Economics at UTEP. Ms. Nelson has lived in Alpine, Lajitas,
an Parral, Chihuahua, MX over the past decade. She operated a student art gallery in Alpine for 4 yrs and has
sold her art to clients all over the world for the past 10
yrs. Her main focus continues to lie in the unique shapes
and structure of the Chihuahuan Desert. West Texas
desert vistas are her inspiration throughout many of her
PETEI; P.O. Box 218, Alpine, TX 79831-0218, 432-8371036, [email protected]
Multi - media artist, photography – jewelry – woven
shawls and rugs – note cards / nature print – pen and ink
– photo – botanical illustration.
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