Big Bend Texas Galleries & Artists 2012 | Page 28

Artists of the Big Bend

Gretchen Lee Coles ; P . O . Box 1636 , Marfa , 432-729- 4702 , email : mapit4u @ hotmail . com . Sculptor and cartographer , with mapping in site specific installations .
Lindy Cook-Severns ; Old Spanish Trail Studio , PO Box 2167 , Fort Davis 79734 ; 432-249-1359 or 806-789-6513 , lindy @ lindycseverns . com , www . BigBendArtist . com Regional landscapes in pastels & oils . Kiowa Gallery , Alpine ; Midland Gallery , Midland TX ; OldSpanish Trail Studio Gallery ( hwy 166 ), Drug Store Gallery , Nels Coffeeshop in Fort Davis . Museum of the Big Bend for Trappings of Texas .
Tom Curry ; Curry Studio , Alpine , 432-940-9861 , www . tomcurrystudio . com . A nationally known illustrator , currently focusing on large format paintings in acrylic on hardboard , and sculpture . His work is available in limited edition prints . He shows at Catchlight Art Gallery . The sculpture can be seen at 104 W . Murphy in Alpine .
Avram Dumitrescu ; Alpine , 432-294-3084 , www . onlineavram . com . Paintings of animals , architecture , landscape and vehicles , celebrating the many elements of Far West Texas .
Bill Davis ; Fort Davis , TX ; 432-249-0379 Sculptor , potter , and metals / jewelry . Portraits in bronze . Work displayed in collections throughout the Midwest and Southwest ; exhibits include Museum of the North American Indian , Custer , SD and Trappings of Texas , Sul Ross Univ .
John T . Davis ; Alpine , Alpine native , John T . Davis , studied art education at Sul Ross State University , where he earned an M . Ed . in 1980 . He now sells his pottery to galleries and gift shops across the United States , including the Renwick Museum Store at the Smithsonian American Art Museum .
James Evans ; Evans Galleries , Marathon , 432-386-4366 . Nationally recognized photographer of people & landscapes of the Big Bend since 1988 .
Carol H . Fairlie ; Studio at 502 East Ave I , Alpine , 432-837- 1169 , www . fairliefinearts . com . Nationally recognized photorealist . Watercolor of glass reflections , large-scale oils of grand hotel interiors . Work displayed at Salon 109 , and Catchlight Gallery .
Angela Fritz ; Bakafox Studio , Alpine , 432-386-0370 , bakafox @ bakafox . com , www . bakafox . com A mixed media artist fascinated by communication and narrative , she uses brilliant colors or black and white and bold lines to illustrate or meditate on mythology , beliefs , stories , life and dreams . Her studio is open by appointment , and she shows at the Gallery on the Square in Alpine .
Lloyd Max Goldwire ; 432-345-2943 ; Email : lloydmax @ shamansprings . com . Creator of bronze sculpture inspired by Southwestern rock art and designer of home décor and bronze trophies .
Earlene Graham ; Alpine , 432-360-8062 graham19536 @ gmail . com , Art dolls , mixed media assemblage . Dollhouse miniatures dioramas . Workshops for creating dollhouse miniatures .
Lori Griffin ; 432-301-9663 , lag0018 @ yahoo . com Home base studio by appt ., memory windows , collages , paintings , photography , computer graphics , stained glass , and mixed media using recycle materials .
Antonio Guerrero ; P . O . Box 116 , Fort Davis ; antonioguerrero @ antonioguerrero . com . Specializing in multi-media , multi-medium , recycling , sculpture .
Nancy Davis ; Fort Davis , TX ; 432-426-3118 Primarily works in oil with heavy texture and vibrant colors . Favorite subjects to paint include hummingbirds , Native Americans and landscapes . Co-owner of “ The Gallery ” above the Fort Davis Drug Store . Personal studio – Davis Mountains Studio .
Pam Edwards ; 203 East San Antonio , Marfa ; 432 729 1850 ; pam @ wild-woolies . com . Handmade , one-of-a-kind felted wool purses , scarves , hats , bowls and computer bags . Custom commissions welcome ! On display at Wild Woolies .
Teresa Elliott ; Alpine ; 432-364-2792 ; teresaelliott @ mac . com ; www . teresa-elliott . com ; Award winning and widely published artist painting oils of Texas Longhorns . Exhibits in leading galleries in Wyoming , New Mexico and Texas . Locally at Gallery on the Square & Kiowa Gallery in Alpine .
Marjie Erkkila ; HC 74 Box 73 , Fort Davis , 432-426-2279 . Award winning bronze and stone sculpture , precious metal jewelry , lapidary arts . Shows at CatchLight Art Gallery .
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Debra F . Guerrero ; P . O . Box 116 , Fort Davis ; thebeeis @ yahoo . com . Figurative and floral watercolors , macro perspectives .
David Hance ; 432-729-4898 , Marfa , www . davidhance-fineart . com . Custom jewelry using stones and beads , as well as graphite renderings , large scaled paintings in mixed media , ceramics in porcelain , and interior space planning . Jewelry exhibited at Kiowa .
Lauris Ann Hawkins ; ladelah @ sbcglobal . net . Beaded skulls : coyote , javelina , buffalo . Miniatures : hummingbirds , spiders , even flamingos .
Bärbel Helmert ; Alpine , bhelmert @ aol . com . Collages , assemblages , photography , drawing , ceramics , jewelry , sculpture and printmaking .
Patricia & Pauline Hernandez ; 432-837-3180 ; www . hernandezstudios . com ; email : Pauline @ hernandezstudios . com . Ceramics , paintings , stained glass , photography and computer graphics . Commissions accepted .
Laurie Holman ; 432-229-4091 ; P . O . Box 1233 , Presidio ; www . laurieholman . net ; Fine artist , drawings , pastels , painted ponies , equine art and murals .