Artists of the Big Bend
Ruben Pena ; Alpine , 432-755-8107 , morinpena @ yahoo . com , Internet art site ; mordelapena . Contemporary abstract airbrush paintings . Studio portrait photographs including pets . Special events and quinceaneras .
J . Pena ; 415 East Ave . H , Alpine , 432-837-3484 , email : sotota @ yahoo . com . Colorful minimalism . Shows at Ringtail Records .
Ann Pratt ; www . studiocdj . com . Watercolors , oils , pastels & acrylics . Studio open by appt .
Feather Radha : 432-294-0130 . Muralist painter in oils , acrylic and mixed media . Figures , landscapes , nature , magical realism . Work exhibited at Gallery on the Square , and Shows by appointment . PO Box 2104 , Alpine TX 79831 .
Stylle Read ; Cleburne , Texas ; 817-992-5035 ; www . stylleread . com . Nationally recognized artist and notorious western muralist . Specializes in original , historically correct western recreations , such as Big Brewster & Ode to Reata , Alpine , and many others in the region .
Tim Roberts ; P . O . Box 767 , Fort Davis , 432-426-3808 , email : trobe @ brooksdata . net . Traditional and non-traditional oil / acrylic paintings , and drawings . At Catchlight .
Roxa Medley Robison ; PO Box 555 , Fort Davis , TX 79734 , 432-249-3300 , CrowsNest @ CrowsNestRanch . com , www . CrowsNestRanch . com Terracotta luminaries , eggs , clay sculptures , china painting , notecards from a historic Davis Mountain ranch . Old Spanish Trail Studio , Fort Davis , TX .
Catherine Rose ; 512-289-3399 ; creatingdreams8 @ gmail . com ; Western images in pencil . Artwork can be viewed at GOTS on Holland Ave .
Chris Ruggia ; Alpine , www . jackcomics . com Comics , mostly about the desert animals of the Big Bend . Books are available at Murphy St . Raspa Co ., Front Street Books , Chihuahuan Desert Nature Center and Big Bend National Park , as well as online .
Ellen C . Ruggia ; Alpine , www . vastgraphics . com / botanical Botanical art featuring plants native to the Trans-Pecos region of Texas ; at Kiowa Gallery and the Chihuahuan Desert Nature Center .
Gordie Sanborn ; 907 W Lockhart , 837-2591 . Lapidary , Rockhound , artisan . Shows at Gallery on the Square .
Susana Sandoval-Busey ; Mi Tesoro Gallery , 109 W . Holland Av ., Alpine , 432-837-1882 . Jewelry designer and creator of original beaded necklaces and other works incorporating vintage and contemporary silver , gold , precious stones , pearls and crystal . Commission orders accepted .
Martha Scott ; 432-837-2591 . Sculptural clay pieces , with a southwestern flavor , reflecting a mixture of subject matter from angels to desert critters . At CatchLight .
Charlotte Senneff ; 432-364-2319 , jsenneff @ sulross . edu Main medium acrylics . Subject area landscapes showing animals , birds , and / or human forms in motion . Abstracts- Expressionism-pieces in vivid color with a blending of special lines , form , and light . Still life & landscapes in water color . Shows at Gallery on the Square .
Katherine Shaughnessy ; 432.729.1850 ( studio ), 432- 386-0386 ( mobile ), 203 East San Antonio , Marfa , Texas 79843 , www . doegirl . com . Mixed-media fiber artist who ’ s themes are whimsical , scientific , and political . Work includes dioramas , miniature sculptures , paintings , drawings , collages and embroidery .
J . R . Smith ; 432-249-0682 , www . JR-ART . com . Award winning artist , oil and acrylic . Big Bend vistas , seascapes , unique people , architectural portraits and murals .
Jeff Smith ; 432-426-3311 , Fort Davis ; www . archstglassinc . com . Contemporary stained glass for residential , commercial and liturgical windows . Visit website for examples from throughout North America .
Janet Stewart ; Alpine , 432-386-6121 , stewartpottery @ yahoo . com High-fired stoneware pottery and decorative tile panels of desert scenes . Shows at Gallery on the Square , Alpine .
Paul Stuart Sundown ; 432-837-1740 ; email : pnsundown @ att . net . Internationally known artist and artisan ; folk ( specializing in carved doors ), fine , abstract and contemporary arts . Alpine studio open by appointment only .
Tim Sybrant ; Fort Davis , TX Photography ; exhibiting at The Gallery at Fort Davis Drug Store .
Eric Webster ; 432-837-9133 , 300 E . Holland , Alpine Photographer . Showing at Eric ’ s on Holland .
Charles Wildridge ; Wild Ridge Gallery , Fort Davis , 432- 386-2645 . Fine art B / W photography .
Bea White ; beatrap1 @ hotmail . com , www . beawhite . artspan . com Oil and watercolor artist , is inspired by the way a minute in time can change the way light strikes an ordinary object and transform it from mundane to spectacular ! This inspiration is captured in paintings of animals , landscapes and genres . She shows at Gallery on the Square in Alpine , Texas .
Nancy Whitlock ; 607 E . June St ., Alpine , 432-837-0128 . Shows at Catchlight Art Gallery , in Alpine , Texas . Featuring vibrant pastels of West Texas landscapes . Her art can be seen at www . catchlightartgallery . com .
Wendy Lynn Wright ; email : texasdesertrat @ hotmail . com . Exhibits unique “ Capestries ” and watercolors throughout the Big Bend .
Bonnie Wunderlich ; www . terlinguagallery . com ; Terlingua . Paintings inspired by the vast Big Bend . Colorful and expressive canvasses of landscapes , architectural landscapes , and figurative oil paintings on medium and large canvases . At CatchLight Gallery .
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