BGSU Classroom Technology E-Magazine BGSU eMag EDTL6340 | Page 17

Where Do We Go Next ?
While there is no denying the promises and potential of AI in the education world , educators ' hesitation is understandable and should not be overlooked . Educators ' concerns around AI implementation jump from fear of plagiarism , accountability of our students , the need for human interaction , and ethical considerations . However , educators and stakeholders alike must find a balance between harnessing the power of AI and utilizing the unique human touch that comes from the expertise of educators . By embracing AI as a valuable tool or resource rather than a replacement , we can work to individualize education and enable students to blossom in the digital age . The time has come to break out our curriculum plans and reevaluate how we can navigate the realm of AI with newfound confidence and utilize it as a partner to improve education for the better .

ChatGPT Sample

Prompt : Please write two paragraphs about happiness using key vocabulary words
Happiness is an elusive yet cherished state of being that transcends material possessions and external circumstances . It emanates from within , stemming from a profound sense of contentment and fulfillment . When one cultivates gratitude , the ability to appreciate life ' s blessings , they unlock the key to lasting happiness . Gratitude acts as a catalyst , fostering a positive outlook and nurturing a deep sense of appreciation for the present moment . By embracing mindfulness , individuals can savor the simple joys that abound in their everyday experiences , finding solace in the beauty of nature , the warmth of human connections , and the pursuit of personal passions . Moreover , fostering resilience allows one to navigate life ' s inevitable challenges with unwavering optimism , transforming setbacks into opportunities for growth and self-discovery . Ultimately , happiness lies not in the pursuit of external validation or fleeting pleasures , but in the conscious choice to cultivate gratitude , mindfulness , and resilience , creating a foundation for enduring joy and well-being .
Authentic happiness transcends mere fleeting moments of pleasure and encompasses a profound sense of purpose and meaning . When individuals align their actions with their core values , they experience a deep sense of fulfillment and inner harmony . Actively engaging in acts of kindness and compassion fosters a connection with others , strengthening social bonds and nourishing the soul . By practicing selfcare and prioritizing personal well-being , individuals can replenish their energy reserves and cultivate a positive sense of self-worth . The pursuit of growth and learning , coupled with a willingness to embrace change and adapt , opens doors to new possibilities and fuels a sense of progress . Ultimately , happiness is not an endpoint but a lifelong journey , an intricate tapestry woven from moments of joy , resilience , purpose , and love .