BGSU Classroom Technology E-Magazine BGSU eMag EDTL6340 | Page 16

4 . AI Will Replace Humans- It sounds like a scene from a Sci-fi movie – the robots take over the world and eliminate all humans . In real life , people are afraid that their jobs will be automated and effectively put them out of work . The introduction to AI in education makes educators nervous due to the fact that a computer is doing something that is part of their job description .
3 . Accuracy of AI- Although applications like ChatGPT are fairly new and have access to much information , the responses that it writes from a prompt are not always 100 % accurate ( Cutler , 2023 ). Educators who have experimented with ChatGPT have discovered that the AI program is able to produce a well-written piece ; at times , it uses information that is not completely true , biased , and even completely made up .

Will robots take my job ?

Finding a Balance
So how can we address educators ’ concerns with AI ? The answer lies in learning about how to use AI and how to balance its use with other instructional methods in the classroom . While introducing AI into classroom instruction , it is essential to establish guidelines for students . It is important to acknowledge AI and show students how to use it as a tool instead of shunning it in the classroom . For example , showing students an ethical way to use ChatGPT to improve their writing . Students who are struggling to figure out how to start off their essays could use ChatGPT to help them develop the structure or layout of their essays . Teachers could model this during whole class instruction , where ChatGPT is shown as a tool and not a way to “ hack the system ” but by copying and pasting the article word by word . In order to prevent educators ’ concerns from becoming a reality , students need to be taught how to use AI as a tool and not a shortcut . It ’ s important for teachers to keep AI , especially with all the advancements , in mind when designing their lessons . AI , like ChatGPT , is constantly learning and improving , which makes it more attractive to students and teachers alike ( PBS News , 2023 ). Integrating AI into lessons where appropriate will create engaging lessons while embracing useful tools . In addition , it is important to keep AI in mind to spot possible unethical uses ( like plagiarism ) in student work . AI will not replace the rapport between students and their teachers . Teachers will need to know their students and understand their abilities . If a student turns in work that is not similar to their typical work style , then the teacher should be able to see the potential red flag and investigate whether the student used AI exclusively on their assignment . AI can be a great tool for the classroom ; however , it should never replace all traditional instruction .