BGSU Classroom Technology E-Magazine BGSU eMag EDTL6340 | Page 15

Data Analysis and Insights
AI can help streamline and organize data in organized and efficient ways to make meaningful insights . Identifies patterns that result in data-driven decisions to help struggling students who might require targeted interventions . It helps limit and address the learning gaps in education and provides a wealth of information that leads to worthwhile academic decisions .
Collaborative Learning
AI promises to facilitate human interaction by enabling students to connect , share ideas , and collectively build on each other ’ s ideas . Providing creative alterations and methods of instruction that allow students to tap into a wealth of alternating perspectives to help nurture their collaborative skills .
As educators navigate the pathway toward integrating AI into the classroom , we must recognize some potential benefits and promises in education . AI offers tools and resources to enhance teaching effectiveness , leading to improved student development . However , some reasons for educators ' hesitation in using AI cause a barrier to unlocking the future of education . With so much power and capability built into AI , we have to wonder if we are evolving our policies and curriculum to account for any plagiarism and dependence issues that will occur in the future . Will students learn for themselves ? What red flags will be present ? When asked about some red flags , Professor Daren Hick states that students ' red flags build up over time in students ' work . The AI talked about things the student didn ' t learn in class , and it was too beautifully written ( Hick , 2023 ). If we can accomplish the promises that AI is meant to be , then we can harness the power of technology with the irreplaceable guidance of devoted educators . Reasons for Educator Hesitation
In the education world , things are constantly changing . New and improved resources and methods come and go , making it hard to keep up with changes . Due to the number of changes , and one ’ s personal instruction preferences , change is often difficult for educators to buy in . Many educators will express hesitation about the change , and AI is no exception . Since ChatGPT was released to the public at the end of November 2022 , educators have been reluctant to embrace this AI technology . Here are the most common reasons educators are hesitant about using AI in the classroom .
2 . Negatively Impacting Student Growth- Another big concern of educators as more advanced AI for the classroom is that students will not grow important skills , such as critical thinking and problem-solving ( Hulick , 2023 ). Students need to know such skills to be successful in school and careers . Educators fear that instead of finding the information the students would need to solve a problem , students would rely on AI to give them answers .
1 . Academic Dishonesty- A major concern with increased usage of AI , is the potential of increasing academic dishonesty . When ChatGPT was released on November 30 , 2022 , it did not take long for educators to fear that their students would use this technology to cheat on their assignments . The thought of an application that can take any writing prompt and answer it in full paragraph form sent shivers throughout the education field . School districts throughout the country , most notably New York City Public Schools , began to ban the use of ChapGPT and similar applications in order to prevent academic dishonesty ( Hulick , 2023 ).