BGSU Classroom Technology E-Magazine BGSU eMag EDTL6340 | Page 18

AI Management in Schools

By Zach Tocchi & Tori Wright
In today ’ s rapidly evolving world , Artificial Intelligence has entered seemingly every aspect of daily life , and school administration is no exception . AI management in schools offers game-changing tools that allow school administrators to streamline tasks , enhance student learning experiences , and enable data-driven decision-making .
Automated Administrative Tasks
These can become essential in the day-to-day lives of school administrators . With the help of tools like PowerSchool and Schoolzilla by Renaissance , a lot of mundane administrative tasks can be streamlined , allowing for more time to be spent supporting teachers .
PowerSchool PowerSchool is a School Information System ( SIS ) that teachers mainly use to take attendance , store grades , and easily access their student schedules and home contact information . On the administrative end , PowerSchool uses Artificial Intelligence / machine learning to build master schedules , generate reports , and track attendance . According to PowerSchool ’ s Blog , “ At PowerSchool , we mindfully use the power of AI and Machine Learning ( ML ) to generate new insights about students and education systems .”
Schoolzilla by Renaissance This service allows school administrators to track school or districtwide data to help school performance towards its goals . It can integrate with the school ' s SIS and provide valuable insights on student achievement , behavior , attendance , and other metrics that may be helpful .
Benefits Both of these tools provide administrators with the ability to complete many of their tasks efficiently so that they can spend time working on other things for their schools , such as teacher support and student interaction . They offer data-driven insights and support evidence-based decision-making . These benefits can lead to increased efficiency , improved student outcomes , enhanced parent engagement , and more strategic resource allocation in schools .
Personalized Learning
One of the most appealing aspects of AI in education is the ability to personalize learning for students in ways that would be impossible with traditional methods of teaching . It allows a greater variation in the sequence of learning , allowing students to work in a way that best suits their needs and learning style . The algorithms that AI utilizes give students a route of learning that continually adapts based on their performance . This ensures that they are always presented with materials that suit their individual needs and challenges or support them appropriately .