5 Steps to complete a successful
Flipped Professional Development
Planning and Preparation
Understand and know your district. Our district has a technology vision for the year 2020. We have identified certain skills we want our students to possess before leaving our school district. We want our students to be career and college ready, but also prepared for jobs that don’t yet exist. A pre survey can serve as a needs assessment of the teachers. Make sure your professional development aligns with the blueprint laid out by your school district.
Building a Library
I used screencasting software to build a series of over sixty videos that teachers can view in under five minutes. I put mine entirely online using YouTube, but if you wanted to share privately I suggest uploading them into Google Drive. Screencastify allows a person to record up to ten minutes free and stores the videos entirely into your Google Drive. This easy solution allows your library to stay in house if you don’t want to publish them to the web; however, unlisting your videos on a YouTube channel allows them to be shared and remain semi private where users can’t search for the video or find it. Once the library is built, you can share your videos before the actual professional development day. Remember, the idea is for the teacher to increase their active learning time during the professional development.
Facilitate and Adjust
The purpose for flipping a professional development is to increase active learning time. Flipped professional development gives staff plenty of time throughout the actual day to integrate collaboratively exploring teaching methods. My flipped professional development this past fall was designed around technology integration. Teachers watched the videos before coming into the school for the professional development. Viewing the videos before the professional development allowed the teachers to receive prior knowledge before entering the school building. Receiving the passive learning beforehand, allowed our teachers to engage in active learning with colleagues during the entire professional development day. Many teachers worked in teams while some worked individually. The variety of methods gave me flexibility throughout the day to facilitate and provide helpful feedback to those who needed more understanding.
Discuss and Share
We used to end the day to build a word cloud.