beyond architecture magazine | Page 19


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Rem Koolhaas is a Dutch architect , architectural theorist , urbanist and Professor in Practice of Architecture and Urban Design at the Graduate School of Design at Harvard University . Koolhaas studied at the Architectural Association School of Architecture in London and at Cornell University in Ithaca , New York . Koolhaas is the founding partner of OMA , and of its research-oriented counterpart AMO based in Rotterdam , the Netherlands .
Koolhaas ' s book Delirious New York set the pace for his career . Koolhaas celebrates the " chance-like " nature of city life : " The City is an addictive machine from which there is no escape " Rem Koolhaas .
A key aspect of architecture that Koolhaas interrogates is the " Program ": with the rise of modernism in the 20th century the " Program " became the key theme of architectural design .
The notion of the program involves " an act to edit function and human activities " as the pretext of architectural design .
The notion was first questioned in Delirious New York , in his analysis of high-rise architecture in Manhattan . An early design method derived from such thinking was " crossprogramming ", introducing unexpected functions in room programmes , such as running tracks in skyscrapers .
He defined the city as a collection of “ red hot spots .”