beyond architecture magazine | Page 20

k Page | 18 REM KOOLHAAS Junkspace In the article of Junkspace by Rem Koolhaas, we see that he reviews and puts critiques on modernism movement and its consequences such as urbanization, urban modernization, and technological developments in the contemporary urban space. He uses many analogies to compare the pre-industrial era conditions and the changes in the conditions in the contemporary urban environment. He discusses about junkspace by indicating identity turbidity in his analogies. Koolhaas claims that junkspace is political and it confuses the ideologies because in the junkspaces there are multiple ideologies; everyone has their owns so there is a pluralism in the environment. As a result of this, there is turbidity of identities. __________________________ Koolhaas, Rem. ‘Junkspace’, in I de SolaMorales, Differences: Topographies of Contemporary Architecture, Cambridge Mass.: MIT Press, 1997: pp. 175-190. BEYOND ARCHITECTURE | SUMMER 2015 | ISSUE 1