beyond architecture magazine | Page 18

l Page | 16 DANIEL LIBESKIND Music and Architecture In Bremen Philharmonic Hall, Libeskind used lines from city and related it with music and that’s why we see a functional relationship. What makes it functional relationship is the changes in forms, geometries, materiality and acoustics. In the extension to Victoria and Albert Museum, we again see structural and functional relationship through “resonance” which was metaphorically used as decreasing in time. __________________________ Libeskind, Daniel. ‘Chamber Works’, pp. 28-45, in R. Ritter & M. Haberz (ed.) Music Architecture, (Austria: HDA, 1997) If we look at “City Edge” project, he made the music involved into architecture in the design process. He was drawing while he was listening music and did not realize what he draws. That’s why we see diagonal forms; he used them where the melody gets intense for instance. This usage of music is both metaphorical and structural here. BEYOND ARCHITECTURE | SUMMER 2015 | ISSUE 1