beyond architecture magazine | Page 17

l Page | 15 DANIEL LIBESKIND Music and Architecture Libeskind combines music and architecture in his works by using different types of relations such as metaphorical, functional and structural etc. If we look at Jewish Museum, there are both metaphorical and structural relationship between music and architecture. He inspired by the incomplete opera piece “Moses and Aaron”. It was actually created as three parts by Schoenberg, however, they did not complete the third part. Since Libeskind is also a musician, he got involved into the opera through his architecture. There are axial voids (corridors) and he creates acoustics in the space. In this way, visitors can hear their own steps. If they go there again, they will remember their experience and it makes the relationship metaphorical, structural and also functional. It is metaphorical because it is done as the third part of an opera; it is structural because of the corridors and it is functional because of the acoustics. __________________________ Libeskind, Daniel. ‘Chamber Works’, pp. 28-45, in R. Ritter & M. Haberz (ed.) Music Architecture, (Austria: HDA, 1997) BEYOND ARCHITECTURE | SUMMER 2015 | ISSUE 1