of his shamanic dirge also transforms the city (like
Kaufman, Weiners and Ginsberg) of New York
into "streaming stark eyed subway shelter…scores
and scores…a fumble of humanity". The
transform of New York into "a fumble of
humanity" is not done by the bomb itself but by
Corso's shamanic mind and imagination. But he
uses the "Bomb", the "brake of time" as a material
artefact to bridge the axis mundi of the reader's
conscious and subconscious mind. Pattern poetry
like "bomb" has a tradition which dates back
before Greece, with Simias of Rhodes. (Reisman,
Anselm Hollo is a Finnish poet and translator
who has translated writers such as Bloc, Klee,
Ginsberg, Corso and William Carlos Williams. In
collaboration with Corso, he wrote "the Minicab
War", 1961. He is principally known as a language
poet but has had an influence on the beat
generation, mainly through his work as a
translator. His short form poetry is light spacious
and at times abrupt, often infused with his own
brand of humour. In the idiomatic imagist
tradition, his poetry resembles Philip Whalen.