Beat Generation essay 1.8 | Page 71

Its position as a sound poem. We find in the opening seven lines of “Bomb” the thunder of Zeus and Thor, an array of historical and cinematographic characters from Da Vinci to biblical David. Here is the robust reach of the poem and the placement of Corso as pantocrator. Later Oppenheimer, Fermi and Einstein appear. Gary Snyder tells us in his essay "poetry and the primitive" that "The primitive worldview, far- out scientific knowledge and the poetic imagination are related forces which may help if not save the world or humanity" (Jones, 1985). This is indelibly Corso, however, Snyder goes further defining Corso as the shaman-poet by stating “The Shaman-poet is simply the man whose mind reaches easily out into all manners and shapes and other lives and gives song to dreams". "Bomb" can be seen as the ultimate subconscious archetype, one which informs our most vital perceptions at the level of our faculty of sensibility. The shaman-poet ideations of Corso again resound to the fore when he states "I am manifold…I imagine myself to be a shark-toothed sleep…a man-eater of dreams". Corso, in the midst 70