A blueprint is a merely a plan of action, a photo of the layout and structure of that which is to be built. It usually has intricate designs of each room, hallway etc. Imagine that you are in the process of having your dream home built. The architect shows you the master blueprint. However, he shows you sections of the blueprint week by week, never allowing you to see the full layout. You are in awe at what you see! Then finally the foundation is laid. You return to the site each week to view the building of your home. However, in the process you become agitated and frustrated. You learn that as a condition of the home being completed the project manager has required that you put on a hard hat, grab some tools and get to work. You think “this is not what I planned! I was just supposed to observe the builders and eventually walk through the doors of my beautiful home.”
This is what happens in life when you have been given a purpose, destiny, calling or that blueprint for living. God reveals your gift to you. You may be called to be an author, teacher, wife, mother, doctor, business owner, coach or landscaper. It feels so wonderful to know that you have purpose. Finally, you can do the things that your hands were created to do. But you did not know what was to come. You didn’t know that you would be required to go to school, sitting for countless hours reading, studying and even tutoring. You didn’t know that your children would challenge your authority. Oh yeah, don’t forget about your marriage, health and finances being challenged too. Thought everything would be smooth sailing right? After all whom God calls He equips (Romans 8:30)! The question is how does He equip you?
He does not put the test or trial upon you. Instead, God makes a way of escape (1 Co 10:13). However, He is equipping you with lessons and knowledge in the process. Sometimes as believers we expect our lives, which are purposeful, to be perfect. We are only made perfect in Christ. But there is a process to get to the master blueprint. You must be willing to put in the work to gain greater. God wants you blessed. He wants you healed. He also wants you whole! You cannot have it if you sit on the seat of do nothing expecting the Master builder (God) to do everything as you sit by observing. I can imagine what life would be like for us if God showed us our entire life journey at one time. Many would throw in the towel before He even passed it to them. Instead, God orders your steps (Psalm 37:23). You may not know the exact route in which you should take. It’s not your job to figure that out. Your job is to take the steps. It’s funny how we can throw a navigational system into the car, punch in an address and listen to some strange lady’s every command. We really believe that she is leading us to our destination. Yet we ignore the voice of God and disobey His commands. Those two things will lead you to the master blueprint for your life. However, you must get that into your heart. Hear the voice of God and then OBEY! Don’t be alarmed when you see the storm coming. God knows the roof’s not done. But He’s got you covered (Psalm 91)! Just trust Him and obey!
The Master Blueprint
Shanita L. rogers