Be Inspired February 2014 (6) | Page 28

28 BE INSPRED, FEBRUARY 2014 When you’re the center of a party A party is not a real party when you’re not seen in the eating table. The crowd desires you. Perhaps, you too feel pleased to participate, do fun, and eat with the crowd. This pleaser-based eating has been found to stir up an addictive reaction that leads you to overeat. This prompts you to take highfat foods and drinks that make you fat. If you enjoy the tag “life of a party” better put yourself in the social situations that don’t involve food. When you’re a Night bird Are you a late night owl? Then, there is a bad news for you. Staying up until the jackal scream is devastating for your health. The results found in a study that, the participants who were kept up until 4 am, swallowed 550 additional calories. That’s more calorie than they got from the high-fat food they ate during the day time. If you’re self-centered Being a selfish or selfcentered could be a real good for you! Research has found the results that, the people who are self-centered tend to consider their own interest instead of thinking of many people. The self-thinking mentality leads them to conserve more energy and will power that could lead them to make healthy food choices and useful workouts. On the other hand, the people that think of everyone get overly stressed and find themselves exhausted at the end of the day. This depleted situation drives them to take poor food choices and no energy to do exercises. Being more selfish without feeling guilty could help you in losing more pounds. If you go with the flow Neurotic people tend to be less lean than the people who go with the flow. Easy going and highly agreeable people may have a fear of failure because they don’t like to see other people down. This tendency can actually affect in successful weight loss as it’s a bit hard to resist temptation because of stress. Your meals do matter Generally, we take four meals a day including breakfast and a small snack in the evening. But sometimes, you skip breakfast as you’re in a rush in the morning. Sometimes, you can’t afford to be in the evening snacks, but you get enough time for lunch and dinner. Unlike you, some people can’t manage much time for lunch but they are okay with their morning and evening meals. The people who can maintain a healthy meal schedule (a healthy breakfast with no fat and fewer calories, a light lunch with fresh vegetables, fruit juice in the evening snacks, and a light dinner with a single low calorie food) are more like to get succeeded in weight loss. Moreover, there many studies have found that our personality and behavioral diversity can have a great impact on our fitness and mental health.