BCIS ID8 1920-285X210mm-2023 | Page 5

Purposeful Doers / 有目的的实干家 5
IDEATE learners :
• become well equipped to research and analyze issues , and make complex decisions ;
• take action based on their decisions to help their local and global communities ;
• reflect on their decisions and actions in order to grow .
创思学习者 :
• 具备研究和分析问题 , 并做出复杂决策的能力
• 能够将决策转化为行动 , 帮助当地和全球社区
• 能够在反思他们的决定和行动中获得成长
Connected Learners / 建立联系的学习者
IDEATE learners :
• become connected with their peers , their community , and the world ;
• develop collaboration and communication skills through projects that benefit all ;
• develop empathy towards others .
创思学习者 :
• 时刻保持与同龄人 、 社区和世界的联系
• 通过项目发展合作和沟通技巧 , 使所有人受益
• 具备对他人的同理心

核 心 构


Project / 项目课程
IDEATE learners undertake self-directed IDEATE Projects which combine personal and group projects . Personal Interest projects require learners to initiate and design their own projects in areas of personal significance . Group projects necessitate learners to work collaboratively on a project related to the School ’ s mission and community . IDEATE projects provide a platform for learners to develop social-emotional skills while exploring their areas of interest .
项目课程注重动手实践能力 , 是结合个人和团体项目的个性化组合课程 。 围绕学校价值观和个人 兴 趣 爱 好 , 每 位 学 习 者 必 须 完 成 2-3 个项目作品 。 项目课程旨在探索与激发学习者的兴趣与优势 , 为他们深造学业和释放创业激情提供平台 。
Experience / 体验式学习
IDEATE learners transfer and apply their learning in local and global communities through IDEATE Experience . IDEATE Experience is composed of three elements that promote learning by doing : “ Service Learning ”, “ Community Involvement ”, and “ Work Experience ”. Service Learning encourages students to use the UN Sustainable Development Goals to guide their projects . Community Involvement engages IDEATE learners in wide-ranging action within and beyond the curriculum . Work Experience immerses learners in a professional environment related to their particular areas of interest .
体验式学习重视创思学习者将学习成果转化并应用于当地和全球的社区中 , 所有学生须完成并达 到在工作实习和社会服务方面的学业要求 。 该学习旨在帮助学习者参与更多的课外活动 , 体验不同 的校外实习经历 , 从而更好地发掘学习者的潜力 。
I ' m an ID8 learner because “ I learn while I ’ m exploring my passion .” Jason ( Class of 2023 )