BCIS ID8 1920-285X210mm-2023 | Page 6


Graduate with IDEATE


BCIS is internationally accredited by the Council of International Schools ( CIS ) and the Western Association of Schools and Colleges . As such , BCIS IDEATE Program is widely recognized and accepted by universities and colleges around the world .
北京乐成国际学校 ( BCIS ) 是一所由国际学校理事会 ( CIS ) 和西部院校联盟 ( WASC ) 认可的提供国际文凭课程的世界学校 。 乐成创思课程 ( IDEATE ) 是被世界认可的 , 可用于申请世界大学的文凭课程 。
Leo ( Class of 2021 ) Flinders University ( Australia ) 弗林德斯大学 – Education ( PE )
I am really proud that IDEATE embraces creativity , self-discipline and drive . I had strong ambitions to pursue my educational dreams and didn ' t want some of the limitations in other programs . My drive and ambition in sports administration and management alongside study in education opened up opportunities in a variety of different universities .
我很自豪能成为创思学习者 , 它的创新性和个性化让我有更强烈的意愿去追求我的学 业 目 标 , 而 不 像 其 他 项 目 会 受 到 一 些 限 制 。
I ' m an ID8 learner because “ I want to make changes through art .” Leslie ( Class of 2023 )