BCIS ID8 1920-285X210mm-2023 | Page 4



Portfolio / 作品集
IDEATE learners create and defend a portfolio that accumulates and illuminates their learning throughout the IDEATE program . Portfolios provide practical and tangible evidence of learning , are the basis of final assessment , and support applications to university . The portfolio defense develops the communication skills learners need in their ongoing academic and professional careers .
作品集是所有创思学习者必须完成的项目作品 , 它展现了学习者在课程学习与素养培养等方面所获 得的成绩 。 作品集是一个最终评估学习成果的衡量指标 , 它记录了创思学习者实际项目的进程和结 果 , 从而帮助学习者更好地申请大学 。
Courses / 学术课程
IDEATE learners select 3 IB Diploma courses , and up to 3 project-based , transdisciplinary IDEATE courses . IDEATE courses range from “ Financial Mathematics ” to “ Visual Arts ”, from “ Systems and Scientific Thinking ” to “ Theatre ”, from “ Global Issues ” to “ Health & Leadership ”. Each IDEATE course is challenging and structured around key essential understandings , while providing learners with a high degree of self-direction and personalization . All IDEATE learners complete the core Seminar course which includes Projects and Experience .
学术课程注重知识层面的构建 , 包含三项自选 IB 文凭课程和三项以内跨学科的创思课程 。 学术课 程包含金融数学 、 视觉艺术 、 系统与科学思维 、 戏剧 、 全球问题和健康与领导力等学科 , 旨在帮助 学习者打好坚实的学术基础 。
Critical Thinkers / 批判性的思考者
IDEATE learners :
• develop skills to reflect deeply on a wide range of issues ;
• find out what problems they and their community face ;
• analyze how and why these issues exist , and what tools they can use to resolve them .
创思学习者 :
• 具备对全球性 、 社会性问题进行深入思考的能力
• 能够发现他们身边或其社区面临的问题
• 能够分析问题背后的原因并提出解决的策略和方法
Creative Thinkers / 创造性的思考者
IDEATE learners :
• think outside the box and seek solutions to current and future complex issues ;
• explore a diverse range of topics , opinions , and analyses to develop their own methods of thinking and analysis ;
• learn to express their own ideas through words and actions .
创思学习者 :
• 跳出思维定势 , 寻求当前和未来复杂问题的解决方案
• 探索不同的主题和观点 , 以发展自己的思维和分析方式
• 学会通过语言和行动表达自己的想法
I ' m an ID8 learner because “ I want to pursue my passion in the emerging field of interactive design .” Crystal ( Class of 2023 )