BCF Annual Handbook 2019/2020 handbook 2019 2 | Page 54

COLOR MEASUREMENT & MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS ACHIEVE ACCURATE & CONSISTENT COLOR X-Rite Incorporated, a global leader in color science and technology, focuses on complete end-to-end color management solutions. Our color experts will be on hand to personally discuss your color workflow, and find ways to ensure color is right the first time, and every time. MA-T: Measure effect finishes, like colored sparkle and coarseness, with the new MA-T family of multi-angle spectrophotometers. MetaVue VS3200: Measure liquid coatings and small or odd shaped samples with the new MetaVue VS3200 non- contact imaging spectrophotometer. For More Information Call 00800 700 300 01 or visit www.xrite.com X-Rite is either a registered trademark or trademark of X-Rite, Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries. PANTONE© and other Pantone trademarks are the property of Pantone LLC. © X-Rite, Inc. 2019. All rights reserved. L10A-085-EN