BCF Annual Handbook 2019/2020 handbook 2019 2 | Page 53

APPRENTICESHIPS Apprenticeships In response to the challenges faced by BCF members when it comes to apprenticeships, and getting the most of the apprenticeship levy, BCF has launched a purpose-built Apprenticeship Service offering a single-point solution to apprenticeship management for businesses in the coatings, printing inks and wallcoverings sectors. Since the apprenticeship reforms, apprenticeships are no longer as simple as handing training needs over to a training provider to deliver a qualification. With this in mind, BCF has constructed the apprenticeships service to ensure the complexities and associated administration involved in managing apprentices, and making use of levy funds, is taken care of. This service is delivered by the Apprenticeship Management Group (AMG), who are specialists in recruitment with a dedicated team which works solely in the sector. As an Apprentice Training Agency (ATA), they can employ apprentices on behalf of BCF members. The service offers a range of benefits, including: • Advertising, filtering, phone interviewing, shortlisting, It offers coatings specific apprenticeships with two key features: Coatings specific standards Members can access coatings specific apprenticeship standards created by Cogent Skills in partnership with BCF. Full details of these standards are available on our website. Coatings specific coursework Another benefit is the option to introduce coatings specific modules from the Coatings Training Institute (CTI) to fulfil the coursework requirements of an apprenticeship. Many BCF members have students enrolled in CTI already and this new service could cover the cost of the modules through the use of the apprenticeship levy. ‘eligibility to work’ check of candidates • Organisation of interviews • Drafting and issuing employment contracts and support documentation • One to one guidance and support for both apprentice and • • • • • manager Comprehensive payroll services HR support Legal overview In-year performance management and review Levy management service to help you make use of funds, use your digital account, or gain access to funds if you’re not collecting them Apprenticeships now cover a wide variety of roles – from technical positions to marketing. With a variety of over 50 coatings and inks specific modules, the choice of courses can be tailored for the specific needs of the apprentice. For more information about the BCF’s Apprenticeship Service, email [email protected] or visit www.coatingscareershub.com/apprenticeship-service Costs of the service: The service costs 10% of the apprentice salary, plus an applicable 10% contribution to training costs. The levy management service is £45 per month for each apprentice managed via AMG, plus the 10% contribution to training costs if applicable. BCF ANNUAL HANDBOOK 2019/20 53