BCF Annual Handbook 2019/2020 handbook 2019 2 | Page 55

STATISTICS Statistics 2018 statistics show a mixed picture for sales, as raw material prices continue to rise, for a third year running. BCF’s statistics for 2018 showed a mixed picture for sales with better news in the decorative paint and woodcare markets but with industrial coatings reporting a setback compared with the strong growth seen in the previous year. For printing inks, the shift away from printed publications has continued although the packaging sector is generally holding up well. In the wallcoverings market, despite continuing acclaim for new designs, the sector has been hit hard by restructuring in the DIY sector. On the cost side, continued increases in raw material prices have weighed heavily on manufacturers with raw material prices up by about 7% for 2018 as a whole on top of a similar increase in the year before. Some individual raw materials have shown much higher increases than this. Source: BCF raw materials price survey 7% Average increase in 2018 Estimated % changes in average purchase prices in the last 12 months For decorative paint, the year 2018 started well but the poor weather in February and March had a major negative impact contributing to a very weak first-half 2018. Market conditions improved significantly from June onwards while the final quarter of the year ended on a positive note with the first few months of 2019 also seeing some welcome growth. The trade sector was again lacklustre falling by 0.8% in 2018 but by the end of the year retail was showing the best outcome for 6 years. There was good news for companies in woodcare from May 2018 onwards with the hot dry summer providing a major boost on the depressed 2017 performance. On the industrial coatings side of the industry, sales of marine coatings had a bad year while our bellwether category of ‘all other industrial coatings’ also showed a decrease being down nearly 5%. The best result was for high performance coatings which increased 8% in 2018. BCF ANNUAL HANDBOOK 2019/20 In total, sales of industrial coatings in the UK market fell nearly 3% in 2018 following a 5% improvement in the previous year. More recent figures for 2019 indicate a modest increase with total volume up about 2.5% in the first quarter. In the printing inks sector, UK sales fell 5.5% in 2018 being similar to the decrease seen in 2017. Publication inks fell in line with expectations mirroring the decline in newspaper and magazine sales and the continued move to electronic media. Packaging inks held up better but by the second-half of the year slower economic growth began to take a toll in this market as well both in the UK and throughout Europe. By Q4 2018, 9 of the top 10 European markets were reporting lower sales with only Russia showing an increase according to the latest EuPIA statistics. It was a difficult year for the wallcoverings sector as the first half of 2018 saw sales fall by over 20% compared to the previous year. The overriding factor in this decline was the well-known problems being experienced by UK retailers in recent years, with the critical DIY sector reducing orders and closing unprofitable stores. Sales to DIY superstores fell 28% in the last year resulting in a 15% fall in overall wallcovering sales. Results from other major wallcovering manufacturing countries indicate that the UK is not the only market which has experienced a downturn with Germany, France and Benelux all seeing significant falls in the last year. However, on a more positive note, sales to specialist and independent retailers held up well, and an increase in customers choosing to purchase online means there are opportunities in the coming years. 55