BBNC Code of Ethics Code of Ethics_Light_final_joomag 2 | Page 19
The maintenance, retention, retrieval,
protection, and preservation of records
from creation to final disposition is a
critical component to business. BBNC
defines a record as any information,
regardless of format, that has legal or
business retention requirements. In
many cases, records will be documents.
This includes, but is not limited to,
hand written or printed documents,
recorded spoken words, videos, email,
electronic data or information. The
management of records starts when
the record is created and continues
until it is no longer legally required.
Your Responsibilities
Only authorized individuals may
manage or destroy records.
Do NOT destroy any records prior
to their destruction date.
Retain any records related to a
litigation or an investigation.
Records are maintained only for the
recommended retention period.
Records no longer required for business
or legal purposes are discarded or
destroyed in accordance with the BBNC
Record Retention Schedule.
If records in your possession have been
placed on a “hold” due to outstanding
compliance, legal or financial issues,
you have a duty NOT to destroy,
remove, or alter those records until
you receive a directive from the BBNC
Legal Department.