BBC Gardeners' World Live Special Edition Showguide 2021 | Page 35

The Crowning Glory Border
Designer : Marie-Claire
The Crowning Glory Border is inspired by the rows of colourful seed packets in display racks all over the UK during the spring and early summer months . The border display pays homage to the packed energy of a single seed . It is captivating to grow a flowering display from seed , from carefully placing the seed in soil to watering and nurturing during the long warm summer days . All the built-up energy powers the plant into a dynamic display of shape , smell , and colour , attracting all kinds of wildlife and people . Even the most hardened non-gardener cannot fail to appreciate the absolute exuberance of it all and be happier and , hopefully , encouraged by the experience . The hazel twig “ crown ” is clothed in climbing beans that have colourful purple and lilac flowers and deep purple edible beans . To complement the dark colours , larger climbing beans of mottled red and white nestle with crimson and orange companion climbing plants , all rising to represent the pinnacle of flower power . At the base of the crown there are more examples of edible flowers and plants , which can be eaten either as a vegetable , a tasty addition to a salad or as a cake decoration . Other plants provide structure , colour , and textural contrast to the display . All the plants in The Crowning Glory Border have been cultivated in my own garden , either raised from seed or cuttings , or purchased as immature plants and grown on throughout the spring and summer . The hazel crown is made of bent coppiced poles from my own hazel trees .
The Power of Flowers is Everything
Designer : Lynn Cordall Company : Lynn Cordall Landscapes Sponsors or Supporting Companies : London Stone , Porcelain Planks
My border aims to show that even in a small space , the power of flowers can provide enclosure and an escape from the busy world , taking care of many species in many ways ( humans and pollinators alike ). All the plants used aren ’ t just beautiful . They can feed us , heal us , calm us . Let flowers and plants take care of us all . What would we do without them ?
The Power of Flowers
Designer : Phoebe Aubury Company : Natural Design Studio Sponsors or Supporting Companies : Clive ’ s Country Gardens www . clivescountrygardens . com
This permaculture border celebrates the power of flowers in sustaining life on earth through symbiotic relationships . The planting textures represent the order and chaos of nature and our connection to this . The water reflects our inextricable place alongside flowers , as common inhabitants of a biodiverse planet , we are interdependent species .
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