BBC Gardeners' World Live Special Edition Showguide 2021 | Page 36

The Meadow Border
Designer : Tina Worboys Company : Tina Worboys Landscape & Garden Design
Evocative of a natural landscape , this border takes inspiration from nature and runs with it . Wildflowers mix with garden favourites . Cornflowers and Scabious mingle with climbing roses while Cosmos and Ammi Majus mimic their wilder cousins . The serpentine fence highlights the blurred boundary between the garden within and the wilder landscape beyond .
May the Flora be with You
Designer : Agata Macioszek Sponsors or Supporting Companies : Platzki Polish Modern Cuisine Manchester , Create 98 and Groovy Baby
A celebration of flora as a force and source of life through an obvious cultural reference . This ode to Flower Power is divided into dark and light sides , featuring “ lightsabers ”, daisy-shaped bug hotels and obviously flora in many shapes and forms ; ornamental , edible , herbal , hardy and tender .
Dixter Inspired Border
Designer : Victoria Legge Company : Victoria Legge Garden Design
This border is inspired by the exuberant planting of the late Christopher Lloyd ’ s garden at Great Dixter in Sussex . Dixter perfectly exemplifies this year ’ s Beautiful Borders theme of Flower Power , showing the freedom and fun of the ever-evolving planting used in the garden . The plants have been chosen to provide exciting and creative colour combinations which are also beneficial to wildlife and can be replicated at home . The handmade chestnut hurdles showcase traditional craftsmanship .
The designer Victoria Legge first visited Great Dixter as a child and later volunteered at the garden which inspired her career change into horticulture .
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