BBC Gardeners' World Live Special Edition Showguide 2021 | Page 34

The Earth Smiles With Flowers
Designer : Jessica Nicholls Company : Jessica Louise Landscape and Garden Design
This border is designed to mimic a wildlifefriendly rustic cottage walkway . The planting is cottage garden themed , mixed with the new perennial movement style . A reclaimed water trough provides peacefulness in a moment of reflection , as well as somewhere for wildlife to visit .
Reflect and Bloom
Designer : Katie Smith Sponsors : Mires Beck , AJ Marshall
The astonishing power of natural spaces and vibrant colours is undeniable when it comes to our mental health and well-being . I have created a border of self-reflection and personal growth . When we look after our mental health , before anything else in this ever-changing and busy world , we allow ourselves to bloom .
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Border on a Budget
Designer : Kitty Chew Company : Kitty Chew Gardens Sponsors or Supporting Companies : D-Tail Plants , Big Black House Designs , Yorkshire Flower Pots
This border is created to showcase ‘ at home ’ gardening , with a particular focus on containerised gardens . The large terracotta pots complement the vibrant flowers , with a still pond hidden within to create the illusion of space . This design is all about the plants and their accessibility to the public .
Carpe Diem
Designer : Laura Keating
This sundial border celebrates solar power , filled with flowers like daisies and sunflowers which move with the sun . Thousands of tin can lids line the bed and decorate the sundial , reflecting light like solar panels . Grasses and fiery shrubs capture the sun and make the border glow .
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