Bass Digest February 2014 Issue 4 | Page 7

with trees with a spinner-bait. Rob joined him as they both systematically pitched spinner-baits accurately whilst covering water very quickly. Within the first few casts, Kieron was on with the first keeper for the day. The first hour was quiet, but Kieron maintained that the fish would come on the bite later on and that we were going to be in for some fun.

We continued covering water as Kieron switched to the Zara spook and began working the lure with the tell tale “walk the dog” action and again started getting smashed within the first few casts. He landed another nice keeper of 1.2kg's. We changed areas again and Kieron began pitching the creature bait this time. Again Kieron was on in a flash as he landed keeper no 3. Rob on the other hand persisted with the spinner-bait to continue covering different depths of the water column. Finally Rob got smashed on the spinner bait and landed a nice 1.5kg and settled the nerves with his first decent fish for the day.

We continued covering water as we moved yet again. This time to some sheltered bays. Then it happened, BAM!!! Rob started screaming as all hell broke loose, “Get the Net! Get the net! This is a goodie” Rob yelled and within a few short minutes, landed a beauty of 2.5kg. Rob was overjoyed.

Kieron persevered with the Zara Spook and within the next 30 minutes managed to land quite a few keepers as the team had now made their 5 fish bag.

The chase was now on to upgrade with less than an hour left to the challenge, and so far the zara spook had proven to be more successful than the spinner-bait in terms of numbers, however the spinnerbait accounted for the biggest thus far.

Given Rob's success with the spinner-bait, he refused to put it down and continued throwing it whilst Kieron persisted with the Zara spook and consistently hooked into a fish every 15 minutes or so. Time was now running out fast and with only one big kicker and a bag totalling about 6.8kg at this stage, which I thought was respectable given the challenge we set, the boys however were still convinced that there were bigger fish to be caught.

It was not long before Rob got smashed again on the spinner-bait and after a brief but thrilling fight, put another beauty of 2kg's in the boat. Insert Pics

With just 30 min to go, Rob did it again. BAM !!! This fish wasn’t coming in easy, as it continued to dive and strip

Bass Digest/February, 2014

By Bassaholic