Basic Payment Scheme Update August 2014 August 2014 | Page 5

• Permanent Sport and Recreation  Grounds. The claimant has to be the operator of the grounds to be caught by this. There are still questions to be answered as to whether shooting, fishing lakes, manèges, caravan parks etc. are excluded. The ‘negative list’ will not apply to claimants whose previous years direct payments were €5,000 or less. 3.  a claimant is caught by the If ‘negative list’ there will be readmission tests to requalify. To requalify a claimant will need to show verifiable evidence to support the following tests: - An income test - An agricultural significance test - A principal objects test We are still waiting for further information on the rules of each of these tests but it is likely that accountancy support will be required, in addition, a claimant may succeed in one year but not another. If your business is caught by the ‘Active Farmer’ Test you may need to consider restructuring your business. However you must be careful that you understand the implications of any changes you make, particularly in relation to your tax position and also not forgetting the artificiality rules. 3