Basic Payment Scheme Update August 2014 August 2014 | Page 6

NATIONAL RESERVE On a similar basis to when the SFP was introduced, there will be a National Reserve. Claimants will be able to apply for a completely new allocation of entitlements where no entitlements are held. Claimants will also be able to apply for additional entitlements if they have fewer entitlements than eligible hectares in 2015. The national reserve will have two priority categories: • New Entrant Young Farmers To qualify the claimant must be setting up as the ‘head’ of an agricultural business for the first time, or have done so in the 5 years preceding their first BPS application. They must also be 40 years old or less in 2015. • Other New Entrants The person applying must not have carried out an ‘agricultural activity’ before 1st January 2013. ‘YOUNG FARMER’ PAYMENT A top-up payment of 25% on up to 90 hectares has been intro