Building closer relationship with people is built upon sharing things about ourselves,
such as our likes, dislikes, worries and concerns. Some people find this quite challenging face-to-face, so the physical distance provided by communicating through
the Internet is invaluable. For example,
socially anxious adolescents find it
easier to disclose personal information to their friends when online,
the Internet acting as a place where
relational skills can be practised. Regardless, it cannot be ignored that the
Internet has become more mobile
over the last decade. Around 66% of
U.K. adults own a smartphone, allowing Internet access around the clock.
There have been concerns around the
effects this may have on a generation
that is permanently switched-on and
plugged-in. One possible effect is the
phenomenon known as the fear of
missing out, or FOMO.
The mobile Internet may lead to a generation so attached to platforms suc