BANZA May 2016 Issue | Page 94

Yellow / Orange
Foods of this color help the body with vision , as well as with skin and bone health . According to Wolf ’ s Law- bone grows at sites of friction . Therefore , to strengthen our bones , we have to stress them slightly through exercises that provide small amounts of impact to them . This can be achieved , amongst other things , through running and jumping . These exercises can be performed to improve bone strength , however , to also utilise the benefits of vision which we received from our food , we will do step ups . This exercise allows for small impact on bones f
for them to grow while simultaneously engaging our vision senses to ensure that we don ’ t fall ! * Equipment needed : Platform , step , or chair of desired height .
Step onto the platform using alternating feet as fast as possible- making sure that the leg is extended when on the platform to engage your quads .
Easier : Decrease the height of the platform . Difficult : Increase the height of the platform .