Banker S.A. January 2014 | Page 40

INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY NFC payments How retailers and banks can seize the opportunity A ccording to Strategy Analytics’ forecast and Eurosmart reports, 115 million Near Field Communication (NFC) handset owners worldwide will spend just over $48 billion using their NFC phones in 2017. About 930 million contactless smart cards were shipped in 2013, an increase of 41% in 2012. With smartphone manufacturers now committed to NFC, consumer enablement will pressure retailers to accept NFC. BE PREPARED TO EXPLOIT NFC PLATFORMS By being NFC-enabled at the outset, retailers can gain considerable competitive edge with customers, and also benefit from close working partnerships with key industry players before the market becomes too saturated. REMEMBER POS IS NOT JUST ABOUT PAYMENTS NFC delivers two-way, real-time communication between the merchant and the consumer at the Point of Sale (POS). With NFC, merchants and retailers of all kinds can turn their point of sale into a much more valuable point of interaction that provides customers with intelligent and ultra-secure checkout capabilities. GET CREATIVE AT THE POS Mobile will open up new opportunities for loyalty, promotion and brand building. This requires a new level of creative input, and the involvement of marketing and communications functions. Ensure all relevant departments across the organisation are engaged and up to speed with mobile commerce, and what it means to them and their activities. Retailers and banks may also need to consider additional investment or re-allocating marketing budgets into new promotional activities that can leverage mobile commerce as a communication and fulfillment platform. For example: • Programmes that allow consumers to use virtual e-gift cards, participate in loyalty schemes and earn rewards at the POS; • Materials and apps designed to exploit two-way communication between the handset and POS device or NFC stickers in store to transmit e-vouchers, loyalty rewards, payment and promotional messages; • Provision of links for social media and group discount offers; • Gathering customer data efficiently through various payment devices for improved consumer analytics; and • Enabling alternative payment methods to create mobile POS. BE SOCIALLY ACTIVE Social media can help brick-and-mortar retailers reach out to customers and increase brand awareness, but also gauge interest. Group buying websites bring awareness to a company’s brand while taking advantage of promotional activity. 38 IT.indd 2 BANKER SA Social media also empowers retailers. By listening to customer feedback, both good and bad, retailers can find the right target group for products/services and learn which innovations will appeal most. CHOOSE A PARTNER WITH PROVEN ABILITY For mobile commerce to reach its potential, many payment devices currently in the field will need to be upgraded. It isn‘t simply an issue of adding an NFC reader, it requires deep software richness at the POS to interact with customers and manage a services-based model encompassing new applications and deployments. Retailers should be wary of new supplier and integrator entrants who may be attracted to the size and volume of the market, but who may lack the necessary knowledge, financial stability or longevity to see their projects through successfully. By opening up discussions with established vendors, retailers will be better placed to understand the impact on existing operations once NFC goes live. LEVERAGE EXISTING SPEND Many retailers are currently replacing their POS estates in order to comply with the latest payment card industry (PCI) standards. Stores with regular, low-value, high-volume cash transactions may Edition 8 2013/12/19 4:36 PM