Bajan Sun Magazine - Caribbean Entrepreneurs Vol1 Issue 8 | Page 36

BAJAN SUN MAGAZINE OCT 2014 A LIFE DEDICATED TO FITNESS HUGH WILLIAMS Hugh through Aswan Fitness is dedicated to promoting “HEALTH THROUGH ADVERSITY, PERSEVERANCE AND INTEGRITY”. Even more, Hugh being an innovator focuses on providing a service and standard that is ‘bar none’. Hugh’s passion for fitness has not only secured him local clients, but has also opened doors to some international clients who he works with seasonally. As in most fields, word of mouth and referrals has its place; as such due to Hugh’s reputation as a Personal Trainer most if not all of his clients are referral based, be it private or medically. P ersonal Trainer and Managing Director of Aswan Fitness Hugh Singh-Williams has been involved in fitness for most of his life. Though a personal passion of his, through his business Aswan Fitness; Hugh has committed himself to the training and development of others. Though his training methods vary according to his client’s requirements and conditions, his training focuses mainly on rehabilitation exercises. At any point, his training can involve one of more of these methods (gym, pool, track and field, using methods available from body resistance, gym equipment, rehabilitation and pool aids). More interestingly, being so driven by his passion for fitness, Hugh identified the lack of hours in a day and days in the week to accomplish the goals he has set for himself, as his greatest challenge. As it relates to his clients, he stated that getting his clients motivated or involved is not a challenge as he made it a point to work with those who really need, want and are prepared to commit to training, though they may lack the self -motivation and confidence. When asked: what is your diet like, Hugh stated quite candidly - “I do not diet! I eat according to what my body requires, in accordance to what I am training for. I do not deny my body but, will do so in moderation, especially when it comes to 'rich' food groups.” | [email protected] | @BajanSunOnline