Bajan Sun Magazine - Caribbean Entrepreneurs Vol1 Issue 8 | Page 37

PERSONAL TRAINING Even more, Hugh’s personal fitness regime centers on running - 5k, 10k, ½ marathons and full marathons. He usually take part in International Marathons when his schedule allows him, as his training can be somewhat intense and time/ energy consuming. Earlier this year in March, Hugh ran the Rome, Italy marathon where there were over 22,000 participants. Later this month (October 2014), Hugh will be running in the ½ marathon in Amsterdam, The Netherlands where there will be over 40,000 participants. Hugh also hopes to take part in Run Barbados later this year (December 2014) in the 1/2 marathon. For Hugh his greatest achievements are many. But, one that stands out for him is when a client says “I can't” and later down the line says “I did it; I can; I want to do more!” The field of Fitness Training is not a 9am to 5pm job for Hugh, rather his love and passion for his field goes beyond those hours. Hugh always says with conviction: "Not many of us know our purpose in life; or why we are here; I DO and this is it. I AM A HEALTH AND FITNESS FACILITATOR here to make a positive difference in people’s lives.” For more on Hugh Singh-Williams visit his Facebook page under Aswan Fitness: Linked-in under Hugh Singh-Williams: E-mail: [email protected]: 1-246-232-0820. | [email protected] | @BajanSunOnline