Bajan Sun Magazine - Caribbean Entrepreneurs Vol1 Issue 8 | Page 35

BAJAN SUN MAGAZINE Upgrade: You can stick to the business and leadership skills you have and are comfortable with, but it is unlikely that your current skill set will keep pace with the growing complexity of your company. The problem is that a leader’s pre-ordained obsolescence creeps up almost unnoticeably until time and circumstance takes the leader to task. Yes, you have unique skills and talents that got you to this point … but that’s no guarantee that those skills can or will take you any further. Strategy: Make a plan to upgrade your skill set at least once a year. Challenge yourself to get better. And guess what? It will actually feel good and broaden your leadership horizons. OK, stop avoiding it: We each have natural skills and interests that we build our careers on. But when leading a business, there are skills you need to know that are beyond your interests, abilities, and comfort zone. Nevertheless, there are specific skills that your leadership position requires you to learn and know – but not necessarily master. For example, the need to know and understand your financials and practice financial discipline is a nonnegotiable for all leaders. You can delegate the bookkeeping and accounting – but you cannot delegate the knowledge of what your financials are telling you. You may have a low tolerance for confrontation, but knowing how to navigate tough conversations that must take place is non-negotiable. OCT 2014 Every company has ick: It’s that festering, toxic stuff that lurks in dark places with names like “resistance”, “resentment”, “attitude problems”, “egos”, “entitlement”, “laziness” and “indifference”, to name a few. No one aspires to be a leader because they want to deal with ick … but it’s part of the job. What’s interesting and remarkably clear is that as ick accumulates over time, it does so right under the very noses of the leaders that build the company structures, layers and levels that feed the ick. Ick feeds on stagnation, lack of information flow, lack of opportunity – and lack of appreciation. The point here is that what you need to know is all around you. Strategy: The best way to know and prevent ick is by involving all employees in the process of business g rowth. Contrary to popular belief, people want to be a part of something that’s worthy of their effort. People want to contribute. That’s why I believe in open companies with open leadership and cultures. That’s why I believe in transparency and open-book management. What you need to know resides in the hearts and minds of those you lead. Tap into the knowledge of your people and you will know more than you could ever imagine.. Strategy: I bet you have a couple of non-negotiable skills that you’ve been avoiding like the plague. Well, it’s time to make peace with these imaginary monsters because in this case, you know exactly what you don’t know and it’s time to do 35 something about it. | [email protected] | @BajanSunOnline