BAF Look Book V1 | Page 9

ADVOCATE Raising awareness among state and federal legislators about brain aneurysms and advocating for additional brain aneurysm research funding and policies that help patients and families is an important part of our mission. We have made significant strides, and will continue to work for patients and families on Capitol Hill until we achieve all of our goals. “If we help our leaders in Washington understand our Every year, the federal government allocates nearly $300 million to brain cancer research, yet only $2 to $5 million to research of brain aneurysms, although the prevalence of and deaths from both diseases are similar. Even if the entire $5 million is spent, this amounts to only 83 cents per year for each of the 6 million people in the United States with a brain aneurysm. mission, then our Among our recent accomplishments is the introduction of Ellie’s Law (H.R. 1648) in the U.S. House of Representatives in early 2017, which would allocate $25 million ($5 million a year for five years) to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke to support brain aneurysm research. We are now working to have Ellie’s Law, named after Ellie Helton, who tragically died at age 14 of a brain aneurysm, introduced in the U.S. Senate. million citizens of Joined by many survivors and family members, we continue our efforts to have September designated as National Brain Aneurysm Awareness Month. We also are advocating for policies that would reduce the burden on patients and families by requiring insurance companies to pay for screening exams and provide more coverage for rehabilitation care.   message will be heard by all 325 our great nation. We must be vigilant and keep coming back to Capitol Hill until our message is heard.” Scott Campbell, member of the Brain Aneurysm Foundation Board and caregiver 7