BAF Look Book V1 | Page 10



As a public 501 ( 3 )( c ) charity with no endowment , the Brain Aneurysm Foundation relies solely on funds raised from thousands of individual donors , corporate and foundation donors , and events . We are deeply indebted to all of our supporters , whose generosity enables us to fulfill our mission . We are good stewards of our donors ’ gifts . We keep expenses to a minimum , maintain a low overhead , and are transparent and accountable . Approximately 75 cents of every dollar we receive goes directly to fund research , education , support programs , and awareness campaigns .
Please consider making a donation today to the Brain Aneurysm Foundation . We offer many opportunities to support our mission :
• $ 50,000 and up : Sponsor a named special event ( for example , a gala dinner , concert , fashion show , or sporting event )
• $ 25,000 and up : Become a Member of our Foundation Investor Circle
• $ 10,000 and up : Become a Member of our Research Circle
• $ 10,000 and up : Fund a named Chair of Research , which sponsors the research of an investigator for one year

75 ¢

Research , education , support programs , and awareness campaigns

25 ¢

Management , general , and fundraising
• $ 5,000- $ 9,999 : Become a Member of our Board of Directors Circle
• $ 1,000 to $ 4,999 : Become a Member of our Diamond Circle
We also gratefully accept :
• One-time gifts pledged over years , including endowment gifts
• Matching gifts or gifts in honor or memory of a loved one
• Gifts of cash , stocks , bonds , or mutual funds
• Planned gifts , such as a bequest in your will , a charitable trust , or charitable gift annuity
• Donations of real estate or other personal property
But with additional major support we could do so much more to help save and improve the lives of those affected by brain aneurysms . Among our top priorities are providing funding for additional research projects , further spreading the word about the risk factors and symptoms of brain aneurysms , and continuing our work in Washington to boost federal funding for brain aneurysm research .
To learn more about the giving opportunities at left and other gift opportunities , please contact Christine Buckley , Executive Director , at christine @ bafound . org or 888-BRAIN-02 ( 888-272-4602 ).
We also welcome inquiries about joining our Board of Directors .
To make a donation online , visit our website at : bafound . org . You may also mail a check , payable to the Brain Aneurysm Foundation , to :
Brain Aneurysm Foundation 269 Hanover Street , Building 3 , Hanover , MA . 02339