“One of the Brain
Aneurysm Foundation’s
many important roles
is the distribution of
research grants to
qualified researchers.
Their studies will
eventually have a
profound impact on
patients by saving
lives and improving
David J. Chalif, MD, North Shore
University Hospital, New York
Research is the key to better understanding the causes of brain
aneurysms and discovering new, better ways to prevent, diagnose,
and treat this condition and its complications, as well as to improve care
and services for patients and families.
Following a rigorous review process led by members of our Medical
Advisory Board, each year the Brain Aneurysm Foundation awards grants
to researchers worldwide who are focused on a broad range of important
priorities, including new treatments and technologies, patients’ outcomes,
and investigations of the underlying causes of brain aneurysms, to cite
just a few.
In 2016, for example, we awarded grants totaling more than
$310,000 to researchers investigating the prevention of chronic
depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in
patients and their caregivers; a blood-based biomarker for early
brain aneurysm detection; and a new intervention to reduce brain injury
following rupture.
Over the past ten years, the Brain Aneurysm Foundation has
awarded nearly $2 million to basic, clinical, and “bench-to-bedside”
translational brain aneurysm research. This research has led to important
insights about brain aneurysms, which have been shared with the
international medical community through many published scholarly
articles. We are now the largest private funder of brain aneurysm research
in the nation.