B-Living Issue 3 Sept. 2021 Sept. 2021 | Page 39

“ Do not hesitate to report any healthcare provider who submits claims where you are certain you have not been vaccinated . This is not only to keep a record of the costs but also to ensure that you are not excluded from receiving your vaccination as all information is recorded on the EVDS database system and it may reflect incorrectly .”
• Make a note of the date / time of your second vaccination date – this will be have been captured and written on your vaccination record card
• After being vaccinated you will be requested to sit and wait for a 15 minute period before you are free to leave
• Keep your vaccination record card and related information in a safe place
It ’ s important for you to remember that you will not be asked to pay for your vaccination . Bonitas is covering all the vaccine related costs – including the two dose vaccine and administration fees . However , the vaccination claim will reflect on your statements and we urge you to check that the claims match with the dates that you received your 1st dose and the 2nd dose of the vaccine . This will help with the monitoring of claims submitted and exclude any duplication or false claims .
Do not hesitate to report any healthcare provider who submits claims where you are certain you have not been vaccinated . This is not only to keep a record of the costs but also to ensure that you are not excluded from receiving your vaccination as all information is recorded on the EVDS database system and it may reflect incorrectly .
As in any case of Fraud , Waste and Abuse , we use a number of methods to detect fraudulent activity including our members notifying us of any incorrect billing on their accounts . You can report any form of suspected fraud , anonymously by :
• Emailing information @ whistleblowing . co . za
• Calling the contact centre on 0800 112 811 or
• Sending a text to the sms line 33490 ( at a cost of R1.50 )
We are on this COVID-19 journey together , so let ’ s get vaccinated , follow the protocols and help stop the spread of the virus .
Bonitas Member Magazine Issue 3 | 2021