B-Living Issue 3 Sept. 2021 Sept. 2021 | Page 40

SEAL OUT TOOTH DECAY : Ask for fissure sealants for your child

Fissure sealants for your child is an easy and effective way of preventing tooth decay . Ask your dentist * for fissure sealants on your children ’ s permanent teeth before they reach the age of 16 .
Fissures are natural grooves on the surfaces of molar ( back ) teeth . Children often find these deep grooves difficult to clean properly , even with regular brushing . Fissure sealants are thin , plastic coatings that are painted onto the chewing surfaces of the molar teeth . This forms a protective layer that seals out bacteria to prevent them from getting stuck in the fissures and causing decay .
Bonitas covers fissure sealants for children younger than the age of 16 ** Ideally , one would place the first fissure sealant as soon as possible after the permanent , first molar teeth appear . This is usually when a child is around six years old . Sealants should last for three to five years and can protect the fissure until the child is into their teens , when the enamel is fully mineralised and stronger .
How does the dentist apply fissure sealants ? It takes the dentist only a few minutes to apply the fissure sealant to each tooth . The tooth is cleaned thoroughly , prepared with a special solution and dried . The liquid sealant is then applied and hardened - usually by shining a bright light onto it .
What else can you do to prevent tooth decay ?
• Avoid sugary foods
• Brush your teeth twice a day
• Floss every day
• Visit your dentist * regularly
* Benefits payable on the BonCap , Primary , Primary Select and Standard Select options are subject to the use of a Designated Service Provider ( DSP ) dentist on the DENIS Dental Network . If there is no DSP in your area , contact DENIS before you go for treatment on 0860 336 346 .
** On the BonFit Select and BonCap option , the benefit for fissure sealants is available once per tooth in a 3-year period for children younger 16 .
Bonitas Member Magazine Issue 3 | 2021